Mujo’s “Strategic Web Design and e-Commerce Textbook” was created because radical changes are occurring in how websites are built, what platform to choose to build in, and how to use web hosting.
There is now demand that all online content be viewable on everything from the largest of TV screens to the smallest of smartphones. Thus, newer methods to deliver and display increasingly complex sites have been created. Website templates using WordPress, Woocommerce and Shopify Themes, and HTML5 programming are leading the way forward in the industry.
In our Strategic Web Design and e-Commerce digital marketing textbook, higher ed students and digital marketing professionals will gain an understanding of these changes and how the industry and those working in it are adapting. They will also be able to use WordPress templates to build a fully functional lead generation or e-commerce website that showcases their talent on a hosted website. Hosting is included.
SWDE content goes into more detail around the technology choices and project planning process for students to have practical success and contribute to their jobs right away. To accomplish this, readers are guided step-by-step through the following: