In order to keep your college or university running smoothly and providing students and faculty with the best possible resources, you always need to be on the lookout for ways to bring in new revenue streams. Here is why offering digital marketing courses is a smart financial move for any post-secondary institution.
Offer Multiple Course Formats
Digital marketing curriculum lends itself nicely to different types of course formatting and platforms, including fully online courses, workshops, and webinars. This gives your institution the opportunity to explore the different types of revenue streams that come with offering varied course experiences as opposed to the traditional in-person, semester-long course.
Attract Students with Different Interests
Digital marketing is a skill that students interested in a variety of fields, from business to fine arts, will want to learn. Digital marketing is relevant to people in every sector, whether they are artists who want to sell their work online, entrepreneurs who want to start a business, or folks looking to work with a large corporation. Most careers nowadays require at least a basic knowledge of the digital world, and offering a digital marketing program will make your college or university more appealing to students of all different kinds.
Bring in Returning Students
Digital marketing courses aren’t just for those at the beginning of their careers. More and more adults with established careers are opting to go back to school in order to gain skills in the digital realm so that they can move forward in their career goals or pursue a new career. This means that offering a digital marketing program can bring in a whole new demographic to your institution, thus adding another new revenue stream.
Increase the Number of Graduates Who Get Hired
When you offer courses in digital marketing, you are empowering your students with the skills that more employers are looking for. This means that more students from your institution will find work after graduating. When more of your graduates get hired, your institution’s reputation is enhanced, and you are more likely to attract even more students who otherwise may not have considered your college or university.
Mujo Learning Systems carries a full library of digital marketing textbooks, turn-key curriculum, and teacher manuals which cover every subject needed to provide a comprehensive digital marketing program. Whether you are offering courses on digital marketing fundamentals, search engine optimization (SEO), or any other aspect of digital marketing, Mujo has the resources for your college or university.