Many people are returning to college or university after years, in order to learn digital marketing. Here is why a digital marketing education is beneficial to anyone, whether they are fresh out of high school or have already been in the workforce for a decade.
Digital Marketing Skills are in High Demand
Digital marketing skills are in high demand and are becoming necessary for many different types of jobs that didn’t use to require marketing knowledge. This means that many people with established careers are going back to school to upgrade their digital marketing skills to help in their existing roles, not necessarily because they want a complete career change.
Opportunities for Career Advancement
For those who do want to make a change in their careers, completing a digital marketing certificate or degree can open up various opportunities for advancement. There are many roles available to people with an education in digital marketing, such as SEO specialist, PPC advertiser, content writer, e-commerce specialist, or social media manager. For people who are not satisfied in their current career and want to make a change, pursuing an education in digital marketing opens up a wide array of opportunities.
More Flexible Learning Options Available
With more flexible learning options available, such as hybrid and online classrooms, going back to college and university is becoming more accessible to people with busy schedules. Online and hybrid learning means that people do not need to worry about commuting to class and are better able to manage their school schedule on top of other responsibilities like working or childcare.
Rapidly Evolving Work Landscape
With the rapid onset of new technologies such as AI, the work landscape is changing quickly. People are realizing that this means that the work they’ve done up til now may change completely in the next few years, and many are deciding to go back to school to become familiar with the digital landscape. Because technology is becoming so advanced, more and more industries are moving toward relying on various digital platforms, and those who have experience working with these platforms will have an advantage in the job market.
All of this means that the demand for digital marketing programs at colleges and universities is increasing. Whether your institution is looking to improve a current digital marketing program or to implement a brand new one, Mujo’s line of comprehensive digital marketing textbooks for higher education are designed to help streamline the process.