At Mujo, we believe that a post-secondary classroom should be a completely inclusive learning environment that enables students to reach their full potential. To help foster such an environment, we are now providing electronic textbooks to Canadian and American students with print-based disabilities.
AccessText Network
Our publishing company has become a member of the AccessText Network. Established in 2009, this non-profit organization has created an online database system that improves the way electronic versions of print textbooks are delivered to post-secondary disability student service offices from publishers. AccessText Network serves as a conduit between publishers like Mujo and post-secondary institutions’ disability programs throughout the U.S. and Canada. In 2017, AccessText worked with 2800 member-schools, and received more than 100,000 requests for electronic textbooks.
The process works like this:
First, a college or university student goes to their institution’s disability service office to request accommodations to one of our digital marketing books. Then, the school’s Disability Service Provider (DSP) uses AccessText to request electronic files from us. We use the AccessText platform to give schools access to our textbook files (the average turnaround time from accommodation request to file access is three days or less). Finally, the college or university creates an e-text that meets the student’s needs.
Note: Students with similar print-based disabilities can request access to the files at their school.
Understanding Print-based Disabilities
An estimated 3 million Canadians have a print-based or perceptual disability. This disability can be physical, making it difficult for the individual to hold or turn pages in a book. A person could also have partial or total vision loss. Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, may be classified as perceptual, as well. Consequently, this is why we think it is so important that our textbooks be offered in electronic formats. As a member-publisher of the AccessText Network, we support DSPs in their efforts to offer our books in braille, audio and e-text formats, and large print.
For more information about Mujo’s electronic publications, contact us today.