Making teaching easier on instructors not only helps improve their wellbeing and job satisfaction, it also reduces the amount of support your institution needs to provide to each instructor, reducing your overall costs and increasing profits.
Help improve your college or university by making instructors’ jobs easier with the following strategies.
Minute-by-Minute Lesson Plans
Providing teachers with as much help as possible when it comes to lesson planning is one of the best ways to make their job easier and reduce the amount of support they will require in order to teach effectively. Minute-by-minute lesson plans, or hourly running orders, allow college and university instructors to cut down significantly on time spent designing lessons and planning lectures. Instead, they will have more time to spend on student questions and assignments.
Quizzes & Answer Keys
Giving instructors and professors pre-designed quizzes, test banks, and exams with answer keys cuts down significantly on the time they have to spend designing the tests and makes marking a snap. Marking is one of the biggest time sucks that college instructors and university professors have to deal with, so any resources the institution can provide that cuts down on marking time is always appreciated. Making testing and marking easier for instructors also means reducing the amount of money and resources your institution will put into a given course.
When possible, provide other resources such as PowerPoints, lecture videos, and hands-on projects. Having content already created for instructors also saves time and makes it easier for them to plan and execute classes. Mujo’s line of digital marketing textbooks all come with these resources and more.
Up-to-Date Textbooks
No matter how skilled an instructor is, in the end they cannot be effective if the material they are teaching is irrelevant or out of date. Digital marketing is an ever-evolving industry and, in order to be successful in it, students need to learn the newest platforms and strategies. Make sure that your college or university provides instructors with newly updated textbooks that include relevant softwares, platforms, and the newest best practices for digital marketing. Mujo’s digital marketing textbooks are a reliable source of up-to-date digital marketing information that instructors can trust.
Mujo’s digital marketing textbooks are all designed with instructors in mind, which is why they provide all the resources required to simplify planning and teaching a course, including quizzes, tests, hands-on assignments, discussion prompts, lesson plans, and more.