If your college is offering any kind of digital marketing course, whether it focuses on web design, content writing, or anything in between, it is essential to teach students the basics of WordPress. Whatever aspect of digital marketing they wish to focus on, WordPress is likely to be part of their job in the future.
Here are our top reasons your students should learn WordPress, and how instructors can teach it more effectively.
All of the Top Employers Look for WordPress Skills
Many employers prefer to choose new hires who already have some skills in using WordPress. Most companies will be using WordPress in some capacity and it is likely that their employees will all need to know at least the foundations of the software in order to do their jobs. Employers prefer candidates who already know how to use WordPress because they will require less training and can jump right in once they’ve been hired.
WordPress Helps Students Learn Planning & Problem Solving
Creating a website with WordPress means that students will have to plan out what they want their website to look like and how it will function, then build it accordingly. This means that they will have to learn how to plan effectively and problem solve as they work to make a website with the look and function that they imagined.
WordPress Gives Students a Foundation of Technical Skills
When students learn WordPress, they learn a little of everything. Teaching WordPress is a great way to teach basic skills in coding, design, writing for the web, and more. For students who are new to digital marketing, WordPress is an effective learning tool to help them dip their toes into the various technical areas of digital marketing that they will need to know about in the future.
How to Teach WordPress
The best way to teach WordPress is to give students practical assignments where they can use the platform themselves and then have in-depth discussions to find out what students learned in the process of the assignment and how it made them think differently.
It is also essential to supply college and university instructors with the resources they need to teach CRM and automation without requiring a lot of additional support. Mujo’s catalogue of digital marketing textbooks contain hands-on activities, practical assignments, and discussion questions to help educators teach WordPress to students in the most effective and efficient way possible. To learn more, request your free examination copy today.